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Not sure what's going on with this site, but just imagine that I put spaces between paragraphs and inserted photos. Blogger wouldn't let me. Maybe they will later?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Here birdy

While visiting and communicating with a couple of parrots in a store today, I clucked at them and as they clucked back at me. It reminded me of another day.....
I was waiting for my daughter to come back from a horseback ride in the hills of Sonoma with friends, and got bored waiting in the car. There was a pasture gate, and inside were cows, all grazing way up on a hill.
Getting antsy, I wandered over to the gate, and finding that it opened easily, ventured into the pasture.
These people also raise tropical birds, so there was an arrangement of cages of parrots and cockatoos further inside the fence. When I first approached them, everything was quiet; only a few murmurs. So then I just stood in front of them and said, in my best parrot voice, "Hello!"   About ten birds called back, "Hello!" Startled, but excited, I said, "Pretty Bird!" , and some birds gave me a wolf whistle! I've never been so surprised, but was encouraged, to continue to make contact with animals.
I thought better of that idea, however, when the cattle came bounding over the hill toward me. I made myself scarce, and ran back out the gate.

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